Centers and Institutes
Real-World Research, Hands-on Learning

We’re taking big steps to dig deeper
Our research cores, centers, and institutes provide real-world impact by leveraging the expertise of our faculty and partnering with community members. Here is their purpose:
recognize our faculty and enhance their expertise
engage students in
experiential-learning opportunities through service and research
market students’ capabilities to the public, private, and nonprofit sectors
provide opportunities to integrate teaching, research, and service
encourage multidisciplinary collaboration
facilitate the administration of externally supported projects
research cores, centers, and institutes
Explore and discover.

Center for Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Center for Collaborative Media

Center of Excellence in Systems Engineering

Center for Marine Conservation and Biology

Community Research Institute

Environmental Resources Center

FIRST Molecules Research Center

Gold Top Music Group

Information Analytics and Visualization Center

Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Laboratory of Data Science

Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics


Scanning Electron Microscope Lab

Three Rivers Language Center